Mango Milkshake IPA
Style: Hazy IPA with fruit
ABV: 6.5%
Grain: Pilsner, Wheat, Oats
Hops: Citra, Mosaic
Extras: milk sugar, vanilla, mangoes
Fermented with English yeast
Tasting notes: Intense mango with a hint of vanilla in a creamy, full mouthfeel
Pair with: Tuna Poke, Seared Tuna Salad, Nashville Hot Chicken Tacos
Brewer's notes:
This is another one of those beers I swore I would never brew. When it comes to brewing, I have some old school beliefs. There is a sanctity in beer and every new and unique ingredient pushes it further away from the light. We go from coffee to "Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino" and that's a path I don't want to head down. It's dry cake, covered in fondant, made to look like a cheeseburger. Maybe it's the German in me (although I've never been one for the Reinheitsgebot), but beer should look, smell, and taste like, well, beer.
But there is something to be said about innovation. I'm sure some of those designer cakes taste good. And sometimes a complex coffee order is the only thing to scratch a particular itch. So I'm up to the challenge of making a fruit milkshake IPA actually taste good. And taste like beer.
Citra and Mosaic hops are arguably THE power couple when it comes to hazy IPAs and they throw a ton of mango in the nose and palate, so it makes sense to use them in a fruited IPA - and let's amp that up with actual mangoes. Over 40 pounds per barrel of mangoes peeled and pureed by one of partners at the brewery. But I'm getting ahead of myself. This beer actually started with me pulling off a barrel from 80 East (to El Dorado) and sending it to our pilot system so that I could brew two beers simultaneously. 80E got its normal treatment and this beer had almost no boil and 0 bittering hops - just hops thrown into the whirlpool. Crazy? Yes. Delicious? You tell me.
Twin Span Brewing
6776 Championship Dr
Bettendorf, IA 52722