Double Davenporter
Style: Pre-Prohibition Porter
ABV: 12.7%
Grain: Stout Malt, Chocolate Malt, US 6-Row, Corn
Extra: dark molasses; bourbon barrel
Hops: Fuggle
Fermented with English Ale yeast
Tasting notes: Dark chocolate and gingerbread along with earthy grain and hints of tobacco intermingled with bourbon and oak
Pair with: a cigar, a smoking jacket, and a fire (this is fancy)
Brewer's notes:
I'm mixed between feelings of this first year flying by and it feeling like it took a decade to complete. Either way, you and I enjoy a strong beer to celebrate. I basically doubled the grain bill for Davenporter to see what would happen and then aged it in a Obtanium Kentucky Whiskey barrel from our friends at Cat's Eye Distillery. I should point out that we picked up the barrel immediately after it was emptied - as in we watched John empty it - so you can bet his whisky makes a statement here. The beer aged in this barrel for 6 months, tucked away between two fermenters. It is exceptionally smooth and absolutely does not taste as big as its listed ABV. In a world of sugar coma inducing imperial stouts, I'll gladly drink to that.
Cheers! Same time next year?